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Welcome to the IMEW

The non-profit institute with a different perspective on people, ethics, and society

The principal task of the institute is interdisciplinary and independent research in the field of medical ethics. The institute concerns itself in particular with the problems of the disabled and chronically ill people as seen from their own standpoint as well as the impact of bioscience on society as a whole.
The institute was established in Germany in 2001 and is a non-profit public company with limited liability. The circle of nine partners consists from nine disability and selfhelp-organisations. The institute is funded in the main by the German Foundation Deutsche Behindertenhilfe - Aktion Mensch.
The institute is member of the European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME) and the German-speaking Network TA.

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© 2008 | IMEW - Institut Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft