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Email-Newsletter 07/2009 – Internationale Konferenz: 09.-13. Oktober 2009 in Linköping

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


hiermit möchte ich Sie herzlich einladen zu


einer internationalen ESF-LiU Konferenz


The Perfect Body:

between Normativity and Consumerism.


Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie an dieser Konferenz teilnehmen können – und wir möchten Sie herzlich bitten, diesen Veranstaltungshinweis zu verbreiten - per Email, als Flyer oder als Hinweis auf Ihrer Webseite.


Ein Hinweis für Nachwuchswissenschaftler und Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen: es gibt für einige Plätze eine finanzielle Unterstützung. Näheres erfahren Sie auf der Website der European Science Foundation.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Dr. Katrin Grüber

Leiterin des Institutes Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft


Institut Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft gGmbH

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Scandic Linköping Väst, Linköping, Sweden

9-13 October 2009


Chaired by: Katrin Grüber - IMEW, DE & Ursula Naue - LSG, AT


ESF Contact: Anne Blondeel-Oman - ablondeel@esf.org


Enhancement as the improvement of desired characteristics (W. French Anderson) means to focus on abilities, capacities and quality of life. These categories can be viewed and defined from different value-driven perspectives which are based upon certain viewpoints on what constitutes “normality”. Furthermore they are framed by the concept of autonomy. The general approach towards the issue of enhancement can be understood in the context of consumerism – the “production” of enhanced persons as an act of individual freedom and choice. But another approach, which will be the main focus of the conference, is based upon the fact that perspectives of disabled persons on enhancement have been neglected so far. This is important as enhancement technologies can have different societal and political implications for disabled and non-disabled persons. The discussion about enhancement focuses on therapy of something in need of treatment. But with regard to disability, this debate about enhancement in contrast to therapy and treatment has to be re-thought and re-contextualised.

Hence, the conference takes as its starting point the view that it is socio-politically as well as ethically necessary and important to look at enhancement technologies from a “disability-perspective”. In the context of historic developments and the intersection of medicine and economy, enhancement technologies will be discussed from several different scientific perspectives. The conference is organised as an interdisciplinary dialogue and aims to provide an open forum for discussion and networking. This approach towards enhancement technologies is necessary, as the field of enhancement is an increasingly important area of intervention into life and the body. The conference will be the first international meeting to bring together Disability Studies, Science, Technology and Society Studies and Ethics.

The following are some of the questions that will be discussed:


- To what extent and in what way does consumerism influence the current debate about enhancement technologies?

- Which problems arise from this understanding of enhancement technologies for disabled and non-disabled persons and consumers of these technologies?

- What are the consequences of enhancement technologies for disabled persons?

- Is the “upgrade” an upgrade from old established norms or is a “new normal body” created?

- Who is excluded by both starting points of enhancing the human being?

- Do enhancement technologies carry a risk of excluding certain groups within society, such as disabled persons?

- How can consumerism be embedded in an ethical framework?

- What role does normativity play?

- What new possible forms of exclusion and inequality on several levels might occur as a result of using enhancement technologies?


Questions such as these make it quite clear that the conference is a necessary and important way of approaching enhancement technologies that already have implications for both human beings and for society.



Invited Speakers will include:


- Michael BURY - RHUL London., UK

Another look at the body

- Inez DE BEAUFORT - Erasmus MC, NL tbc

- Barbara DUDEN - Hannover U., DE

The Perfect Body: between Normativity and Consumerism

- Marcus DÜWELL - Utrecht U., NL

Liberal Societies and the Moral Evaluation of Human Capacities: Ethical presuppositions in the Enhancement-debate

- Jennifer FISHMAN - McGill U. Montreal, CA

Anti-aging therapies

- Joakim ISAKSSON - Umeå U., SE

Normality and deviance

- Rosemarie GARLAND-THOMSON - Emory U., US

Picturing Disability

- Katrin GRÜBER - IMEW, DE

Cochlea implant as a case study for promises and expectations

- Robin MACKENZIE - Kent U., UK

Whose body's perfect? Who decides? Disability, enhancement, rehabilitation and transableism

- Ursula NAUE - Vienna U., AT

The Medical and the Social model of Disability

- Judit SANDOR - CEU Budapest, HU

- Silke SCHICKTANZ - UMG Göttingen, DE

Morality and Perspectivism in the Therapy-Enhancement-Distinction

- Frida SIMONSTEIN - Yezreel Valley College, IL

Reprogenetics, enhancing and the invisible vessel

- Jackie Leach SCULLY - Newcastle U., UK

This is how I am: Bodies, difference, and identity

- Bertrand TONDU - Toulouse U., FR

Cyborgs and Humanoid Robots: Myth and Reality

- Simo VEHMAS - Jyväskylä U., SF

Dimensions of disability

- Paul VERSCHURE - U. Pompeu Fabra, ES

How to Build a Cyborg

- Anne WALDSCHMIDT - Cologne U., DE

Body, power, difference - reflections about normativity, normality and disability

- Gregor WOLBRING - Calgary U., CA

Ableism, Transhumanism and the transhumanization of Ableism: The Future has started today?


Full conference programme and application form accessible online from www.esf.org/conferences/09273


Some grants are available for young researchers to cover the conference fee and possibly part of the travel costs. Grant requests should be made by ticking appropriate field(s) in the paragraph "Grant application" of the application form.


Kind regards,

Corinne Wininger

Communications Officer - ESF Conferences


European Science Foundation - Communications Unit

1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, BP 90015

67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Phone: +33 (0)388 76 21 50

Fax: +33 (0)388 76 71 80





This conference is organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF), in partnership with Linköping University (LiU).



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